Glass beads are primarily used to make jewelry, but they can also be used to decorate purses, and other items. You can buy these items at retail stores and from online stores.
Glass Beads Buying Tips
• Buy beads in large quantities from wholesale suppliers in order to pay less per piece
• Buy seasonal pieces at the end of the season when they are placed on clearance and save them until the following year when they come back into season
• Get together with a group of friends so you can buy larger quantities at a time and save even more money
• Pay close attention to shipping charges so that you do not wind up paying more for your pieces when you order them online
Tips on Using Glass Beads
• When you are ready to assemble jewelry using your pieces you should set up everything you need to make the pieces at a table
• You want to have a pair of wire cutters, and a pair of long nosed pliers handy at the table
• You should have a good source of light like a bankers lamp set on the table
• If you pour the beads out onto a slick surface they can slide off. Try placing thin cotton material over the table top so that your beads will stay in place. If you use a white cotton material your beads will be easier to see than if they were spread out on a colored cloth
• Determine your pattern before you begin to string the beads on the jewelry wire. This will allow you to move the pieces around, and change the order of the pieces before you begin to assemble the pieces.
• Keep your beads in small containers like zipper snack bags, pencil pouches, baby food jars, or tackle boxes with lots of compartments so they are easy to get to, and it is easy for you to find the type you are wanting to use
• Separate the beads according to the sizes they are, the sizes their center holes are, their color, and the materials they are made from. Then when you are making an item of jewelry it will be easy to determine which piece to use, and where to find the piece amongst your supplies
Tip for Cleaning Glass Beads
• Denture cleanser that is designed for false teeth is an effective cleanser that will not damage the surface of the glass beads. You simply place the glass beads in a container like a bowl. Then you drop a denture cleansing tablet into the bowl with the beads. Cover the beads with hot water and let the denture cleanser go to work. The longer you leave the pieces in the solution the cleaner they will get. Most of these denture cleaners will work in five minutes or less, but it is suggested that you leave your beads soaking for at least thirty minutes. When you are finished soaking them, use a slotted spoon and lay the beads out on a clean dry towel to air dry
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