
Bali Sandblasting

Transforming Bali, One Blast At A Time

How to Make Money For Christmas – 5 Simple Ways to Make Money With No Start Up Costs

How to Make Money For Christmas – 5 Simple Ways to Make Money With No Start Up Costs

Here’s how to make money for Christmas as the holiday season approaches. I’m going to give you 5 simple ways to make money with no money invested for start up costs, and a few very simple ways to market your business.

1) Gift Wrapping Business- This can be a fun Christmas business and is one of the easy ways to make money fast and is a great way to make money with no money. You can charge by the package or by the hour. $1 per package is reasonable. Advertise your business for free online on the local Craigslist directory for your city

2) Post Office Delivery Service- Another great way to make holiday money. People hate to stand in line at the post office. Offer for a fee to deliver peoples packages to the post office. Charge a flat fee or hourly rate.

3) Christmas Decoration Set Up- This can be a fun way to get in the Christmas spirit and make some holiday cash to buy Christmas gifts. Many busy professionals don’t have time to decorate their homes by themselves and could use someone to help them. Many businesses could use the extra help. Charge by the hour for this one.

4) Christmas Tree Delivery Service- If you have a truck or larger car you can offer to deliver and set up Christmas tress for people. Many people don’t want to get their cars dirty and struggle with getting the tree into their home and set up. Tell the owner of the local Christmas tree lot what you are doing and ask if you can post a flyer near the cash register. The owner may also let you leave a clip board for people to sign up for your service.  Make sure the owner has your phone number so he can call you on a moments notice. Set this service up with 2 or 3 different tree lots and you may have more business than you can handle.

Charge $10-$20 depending on what you are doing. Lower end of the scale is for delivery only the upper end for delivery and set up. This is a great way to earn money for Christmas.

5) Errand Service- Offer to do people’s errands such as picking up dry cleaning, grocery shopping, gift drop off, etc. People get stressed out easily during the holidays and would love for someone to do all their running around for them. Charge by the hour or the trip(s).

All these services can be marketed with a listing for your local area on Craigs list for free. Another very easy way to market for free is to add a message at the end of your home answering machine message. Such as “if you’re calling about my gift wrapping service let me know and I’ll get right back to you”. You’ll be surprised home many people will ask you about your business, and it doesn’t cost you a dime.

These are just a few ways to get earn Christmas money and are great ways to make money with no money to get started. Good luck and happy holidays.