
Bali Sandblasting

Transforming Bali, One Blast At A Time

How Pros Use Sandblasting to Engrave Crystal Awards and Plaques

How Pros Use Sandblasting to Engrave Crystal Awards and Plaques

Sand blasting has been occurring in nature since the beginning of time. The process of wind blowing sand across surfaces creates, over many years, erosion. The same concept was applied in 1870 when the first machine was created to blast sand across a surface in order to clean it. In 1904, a device was created that used compressed air as the vehicle in which to move sand across surfaces; sand blasting was born.

Today sand blasting is used to decorate or personalize a number of materials but of them all, fine crystal is the most beautiful. Personalized crystal plaques and awards have quickly become the epitome in recognition awards. Sand blasted and hand-etched crystal awards and plaques have a sense of timeless beauty, and these beautiful awards are considered to be the ultimate in recognition due to their lasting beauty and fragile appearance. Anybody would be thrilled to receive engraved crystal awards and plaques.

Much like the very first sand blasting tools created, modern engraved glass awards and plaques are commonly made with a sand blasting technique. Professionals agree that it is sand carving that creates the most beautiful products, and it is easily the most versatile of all the engraving techniques.

Sand blasting uses a compressed air nozzle to direct the flow of an abrasive compound against the crystal or glass in order to engrave it. Once the stream of abrasives comes in contact with the surface of the crystal, they roughen up the surface creating a frosted finish. The application of a mask or the use of a stencil, will allow engravers to personalize the product with logos, words and complicated designs. The result is stunningly-beautiful engraved crystal awards and plaques.

Master sand carvers can create stunning engraved crystal pieces that contain artistic designs. They can create three dimensional designs by carving a series of steps into the crystal, with each step deeper than the last. They can reproduce realistic images of faces or pets into the glass or just about anything else the sand carver or client requests. Such pieces of engraved crystal are works of art. They have become timeless pieces of appreciation that recipients can proudly cherish forever.

Engraved crystal awards and plaques are the epitome of elegance and recognition. Engraved crystal awards and plaques at a special recognition ceremony would thrill the intended recipients and show them they are truly appreciated, because engraved crystal is truly a piece of art.