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German Cockroaches Win the “Tough Buggers” Award

German Cockroaches Win the “Tough Buggers” Award

German Cockroaches “Tough as Buggery”

You may not know that there are a handful of different types of cockroaches that can invade your home and truly be called a pest. German cockroaches have been named one of the toughest to kill due to their thick exoskeleton, ability grow severed limbs, nest in tight spaces and extreme rapid reproduction rate. In fact, German cockroaches can actually double the size of their family in one week’s time. Chances are if you turn on the kitchen light in the middle of the night only to have critters crawling on your feet then you might be dealing with German cockroaches, as most cockroaches prefer to fly when in peril.

Do You Have Houseguests?

Apart from being quick on their feet instead of using wings you might want to check out a few other characteristics before you jump to conclusions. German Cockroaches tend to be a bit darker in color than other roaches until they reach maturity and feature a yellow spot on their backs. They also leave behind darker feces and their egg capsules tend to be a darker tan coloring. You will really know you’ve been invaded when you start to smell foul unexplainable odors in various areas of the home.

Why Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

If you’ve noticed you or your children are having more asthma attacks lately, or if it seems as if there are a lot more allergens in the home then you might have cockroaches. Cockroaches have been documented as a popular cause of allergy since the 1950s and have been a known problem for children with asthma.

Cockroaches leave behind saliva, bacteria, feces and carcasses that cause people to have allergic reactions. These items are often picked up in the dust and air, so they spread throughout the home much faster. Many people will even find that cockroaches cause skin irritation, which can cause as much irritation as poison oak.

The worst thing about cockroaches is they will live in almost any environment, no matter how hot or cold, so there is really no way to prevent them from entering your home. In fact, statistics show that 78-98% of urban homes have roaches and most have up to 900 to 330,000 of these invasive pests. So, if you have allergies, you might want to take care of the problem before it escalates beyond control.

Quite hard to believe? You will find more information about cockroach induced allergies http://www.aafa.org/display.cfm?id=9&sub=22&cont=312

Want to know more about German cockroaches? You will find everything you need to know and how to kill them right here.