If you are new to drawing [or even if you are a seasoned pro] you will agree with me learning to draw can be time taking. There are so many things to learn and practice. And if you want to make it big & take this art form up as your career you have to engage in even more serious level of practice. But fortunately true cartoon drawing enthusiasts hardly ever take note of handwork involved here as they find it to be really satisfying.
Taking a piece of paper and creating a new and amazing world on it with the help of a pencil is really fascinating to most drawing fans. But let me tell you other side of the story as well: in fact there are many who though interested cannot take up drawing as a hobby because they simply cannot commit the required time.
Also there are beginners who get started with lots of hope, only to discover later they cannot maintain their focus or simply drawing does not seem to be that fascinating to them as it had seemed before getting started, because of the huge size of the learning curve.
Unfortunately those who go away from drawing with lost hope are majority in number.
Apparently it may seem acceptable that who cannot cope up with initial demand for time goes away. As if some automatic filter doing its work to filter the not so serious guys and gals out. But there is every chance that some really talented future artists are also being filtered out in the process.
So if somehow the entire process could be made more efficient so that at least the initial barrier can be somewhat lowered it will be in best interest to this art which is already under pressure due to lack of quality artists.
The teaching curricula should be prepared in such a way so that beginners can start creating good-to-look-at drawings in a short period of time. And once s/he starts getting the fun of drawing more intricate techniques can be taught.
Here in this article I have included tips that will do just that it will show where one need to stress and focus on so that s/he can learn to draw something basic but interesting really quickly. That way maintaining interest throughout the whole journey will be way more easy.
Learn about tools of trade at the beginning: First get some basic tools and be good in handling those. Luckily for a beginner only few inexpensive things like a drawing copy, a HB grade pencil and good quality eraser are all that is really required. If you want you can also use a drawing copy that comes with tracing sheets or a copy with grid lined pages.
But make sure the copy you use is made of good quality paper if the paper quality is poor your work will look dirty because poor quality paper ‘s texture will look really bad-on using eraser. Also ensure the pencil you are using is not too short because controlling a short pencil can be painful.
Learn to draw lines: This tip may sound redundant but this may be one of the most profound suggestion you will ever encounter anywhere. Because the skill of drawing smooth lines without applying too much pressure and without tiring your finger muscles is not something that you learn automatically. You will have to do conscious practice for attaining this skill. But it is not difficult. Take a piece of paper and start drawing circular shapes on it. The shapes do not have to be exact circles just make circular shapes and do not be slow, you need to make the circular shapes fast without spending much time. Initially the lines will not be very smooth but if you keep at it soon you will see the improvement.
Formula for drawing anything: Yes you have read it right. Indeed there is a formula that can help you to draw anything you want to draw under the sun and beyond. If you can draw four basic geometric shapes you can draw anything. This formula works simply because our world can be thought to be composed of four basic stapes. Now your question would be what are these shapes.
These shapes are very common ones like sphere, cylinder, cube and cone: if can draw this shapes you can draw anything. Look around your environment, everything, yes everything that you see can be thought to be structurally made of these four shapes. As an artist your task would be to become a master of drawing these basic shapes and learn to analyze your world in terms of these shapes. If you can do that (which you can certainly do with some practice) you now have the ability to draw anything you want.
One simple tip here: when you are looking at things and trying to decompose it into constituent geometric shapes in your mind’s eye do not concentrate on details. Just look at the overall structure and break that down into geometric shapes Once you have the basic structure in your drawing book adding the details would be simple.
Do not start with something too complex: You should learn to walk before you can run. Yes like everything, you should follow the natural sequence. Instead of doing that if you try to draw something complex at the early stage there is every chance you will get frustrated soon. So start with simple things and if required draw a particular thing multiple times before you move on to something more involved. You can take the help of a good drawing course for this purpose. Because a good course will show you the steps you need to follow.
In this article we have detailed the tips and suggestions that a beginner can make use of to pickup drawing skills quite easily This is not to say practicing the craft will not be required but what the tips will actually do is these will show how a newbie can pick-up some useful skills quickly and start enjoying the practice sessions. Because unless beginner finds the sessions interesting they will not do the required practicing on their own.
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